Welcome to the wonderful world of Young Living Essential Oils! You probably are asking yourself . . . . why would I start with a Premium Starter Kit, and what would I do with all those essential oils? I think many of us started out feeling that way!
Looking at all the essential oils online was truly exciting, and the Premium Starter Kit does come with a Home Diffuser, so that was a major plus for me. However, I thought that there was no way I would use these essential oils every single day. Boy was I wrong!
I couldn't wait for my Premium Starter Kit to arrive! Once I received my kit, I immediately opened and smelled every single oil. Being someone who is sensitive to overpowering smells and odors (especially synthetic and perfumey ones), I was thrilled to find that the oils smelled nothing like a bad perfume or chemical cocktail. How is that possible? Because these oils come directly to us from nature, contain a plethora of healing properties, and contain NO chemicals or anything synthetic! I caution against using adulterated oils, lotions, perfumes, or any other synthetically-fragranced personal care product to anyone who will listen. Those types of products are pretty much guaranteed to be loaded with chemicals that have been linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, allergies, and much more. Not something I want to be inhaling or allow to be absorbed into my body via my skin.
I set up my diffuser and decided my first bit of aromatherapy would be 4 drops of Joy . . . . an incredibly refreshing and uplifting scent. I immediately fell in love with this oil and put a couple of drops on my wrists and my neck, so I could smell it all day! I was hooked!!
Next came the sleep "test". As someone who suffers from chronic pain and has issues falling asleep and / or staying asleep (due to menopause, as well as complications from two accidents), I am always on the prowl for natural sleep remedies. I have found things that have helped in the past, however they usually only work for a short time, then they stop working, so it's back to being frustrated (and exhausted) from lack of sleep! Also, there are many times when my brain will just not shut off, so I will sometimes lie there for hours hoping to get even a little sleep. However, even though I may finally fall asleep, I still tend to wake up several times throughout the night. I will tell you that I have had some success with using essential oils for sleeping, though I am still trying different oils and supplements and hoping to find that magic combination! The oils I currently rotate are RutaVaLa, Lavender, Peace and Calming, EndoFlex, Cedarwood, or a combination of those. It's a process, though I am patiently awaiting my delivery of Sleep Essence, so more to come!
Then I read about Valor essential oil, which is an empowering combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils that works with both the physical and spiritual aspects of the body to increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem in the face of adversity. It has also been found to help energy alignment in the body. As an energy and spiritual healer, I was immediately drawn to this oil, and have to say that it quickly became one of my favorites.
Since ordering my Premium Starter Kit, I have expanded my essential oil collection little by little, and even switched out my old supplements for YL nutritional supplements, which are made with essential oils. All I can say is, I wish I had found this stuff year ago! However, I have them now, so I won't let another day go by without using these amazing products. I invite you to explore the 10 Everyday Oils below and just take a peek at some of the ways you can use them.
When you join my team you'll also receive the Essential Oils Pocket Reference Guide which has all oils and remedies listed. It is considered the "Essential Oil Bible" and you don't want to be without it! I also offer other monthly specials in addition to the EOPR, so be sure to ask about those!
PEACE & CALMING - A gentle, fragrant blend of Tangerine (Citrus nobilis), Orange (Citrus
- Diffuse Peace & Calming oil in the room to calm overactive or hard to manage children.
- Put on a cotton ball under pillow for a nice smell and helpful sleep.
- Mix Peace & Calming oil with massage oil for a relaxing massage.
- Calm restless leg syndrome with 2-3 drops rubbed onto legs.
- Put 3-4 drops Peace & Calming mixed with Epsom salt in warm water for a relaxing bath.
- To help stop nocturnal teeth grinding, diffuse Peace & Calming oil while sleeping.
- Rub Peace & Calming essential oil blend behind pet’s ears. Great for dogs who get anxious going to the vet or who is overactive around children.
- Rub 1-2 drops on bottoms of feet to help soothe fussy babies. Get Started Here
LAVENDER - (Lavandula augustifolia) is the most versatile of all essential oils. Therapeutic
- Rub Lavender oil on the feet for a calming effect on the body.
- Rub a drop of Lavender on your palms and smooth on your pillow to help you sleep.
- Put a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching and reduce swelling.
- Put 2-3 drops of Lavender oil on a minor burn to decrease pain.
- Drop Lavender oil on a cut to stop the bleeding.
- Mix several drops of Lavender oil with a carrier oil and use topically on eczema and dermatitis.
- To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop of Lavender oil on the end of the tongue or around the naval or behind the ears.
- To stop a nosebleed, put a drop of Lavender oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chip of ice. Push the tissue covered ice chip up under the middle of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold as long as comfortable or until the bleeding stops.
- Rub a drop of Lavender oil over the bridge of the nose to unblock tear ducts.
- Rub Lavender oil on dry or chapped skin.
- Rub a drop of Lavender oil on chapped or sunburned lips.
- To reduce or minimize the formation of scar tissue, massage Lavender oil on and around the affected area.
- Rub 2 to 4 drops of Lavender oil over the armpit area to act as a deodorant.
- Rub a drop of Lavender oil between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.
- Rub several drops of Lavender oil into the scalp to help eliminate dandruff.
- Place a few drops of Lavender oil on a cotton ball and place with your linens to keep them smelling fresh, and to repel moths and insects.
- Place a drop of Lavender oil in your water fountain to scent the air, kill bacteria and prolong the time between cleanings.
- Place a few drops of Lavender oil on a wet cloth, or reusable dryer sheet and toss into the dryer to deodorize and freshen your laundry.
- Put a drop of Lavender on a cold sore.
- Diffuse Lavender oil to alleviate allergy symptoms.
- Spritz several drops of Lavender oil mixed with distilled water on a sunburn to decrease pain.
- Drop Lavender oil on a cut to clean the wound and kill bacteria.
- Apply 2-3 drops of Lavender oil to a rash to stop the itching and heal the skin. Get Started Here
LEMON - (Citrus limon) has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that have been
- Use 6 drops of Lemon oil and 6 drops of Purification oil in a glass spray bottle (4oz glass spray bottle or 8oz glass spray bottle) mixed with distilled water to use in the bathroom as an air freshener.
- Use 1-2 drops of Lemon oil to remove gum, oil, grease spots or crayon.
- Use 1 drop of Lemon oil to add flavor to baked goods or beverages.
- Rub a drop of Lemon oil on a corn, callous or bunion 2x daily.
- To increase the shelf life of fresh fruit, fill a bowl with cool water and 2-3 drops of Lemon oil. Drop your cleaned fruit into the water and stir. Be sure all surfaces of the fruit contact the lemon water.
- Add 2-3 drops of Lemon oil to water and spray counter tops to sterilize them.
- Soak your dishcloth overnight in a bowl of water and a drop of Lemon oil to disinfect and kill germs.
- Add a drop of Lemon oil to your dishwasher before the wash cycle.
- Rub a drop of Lemon oil on your hands after using a public bathroom.
- Use a paper towel soaked with several drops of Lemon oil to sanitize bathroom fixtures.
- Place a drop of Lemon oil on cold sores, herpes or other mouth ulcers to lessen pain and aid healing.
- Put a drop of Lemon oil on bleeding gums caused by gingivitis or tooth extraction.
- Put a drop of Lemon oil on oily skin or acne to balance sebaceous glands (oil glands).
- Rub several drops of Lemon oil on cellulite to improve circulation and help eliminate waste from the cells.
- Rub two drops of Lemon oil topically to clear athlete’s foot.
- Rub several drops of Lemon oil on varicose veins to improve circulation and relieve pressure on the veins.
- Rub a drop of Lemon oil on a wart morning and night until it disappears.
- Rub a drop of Lemon oil to clean a butcher’s block or other cutting surfaces. Get Started Here
VALOR - Valor is an energy-balancing blend of Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, and Spruce
- Rub a few drops of Valor over the heart, neck, wrists and over the bottom of the feet to relieve fear and anxiety
- Massage 2 drops of Valor on your neck to relieve stiffness
- Apply Valor to the big toes and the bottoms of feet to help with sleep apnea and stop snoring.
- Rub Valor on the jaw before bed and in the morning to ease TMJ pain.
- Rub Valor on joints to ease the symptoms of arthritis
- Drop onto hands and deeply inhale to ease fear and phobias.
- Apply 2 drops to the heals of your feet to relieve sciatica pain
- Diffuse at night for a peaceful nights rest.
- Rub on the bottom of feet to help align and balance the body systems. Get Started Here
PANAWAY - A blend of Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), which has an active constituent
- Apply PanAway oil topically on an injured area to reduce inflammation and bruising. Works well in a dental emergency.
- Apply PanAway oil topically to sore muscles after exercising.
- Apply to minor bumps and bruises to promote healing.
- Use for pain relief due to arthritis and fibromyalgia.
- Rub a drop of PanAway oil on the temples, forehead and back of the neck to relieve a headache.
- Mix PanAway oil with massage oil and massage on location to stop growing pains.
- Rub 1-2 drops of PanAway oil on arthritic hands to lessen pain.
- Rub 2-3 drops of PanAway oil at the base of the spine to relieve sciatic pain.
- For arthritic pets, massage PanAway oil diluted with a carrier oil on location, or mix a drop in the food. Get Started Here
JOY - An exotic, luxurious blend of Lemon (Citrus limon), Mandarin (Citrus reticulata), Bergamot
- Rub a drop of Joy oil over the heart and on the bottom of each foot to relieve feelings of frustration or depression.
- Put a drop of Joy oil on the tip of the nose to uplift your mood.
- Wear a drop of Joy oil behind each ear and on wrists as a perfume.
- Rub a drop of Joy oil between your palms and then spread over the face and neck after shaving.
- Rub two drops of Joy oil on areas of the body with poor circulation to improve blood flow.
- Use a few drops of Joy on temples and breathe deeply for emotional headaches.
- Rub a few drops of Joy onto lower back to ease back pain.
- Rub on wrists, forearms, neck and heart to help lower stress induced blood pressure increases.
- Diffuse Joy or inhale to ease postpartum depression.
- Massage a few drops across abdomen to relieve menstrual cramps.
- Place two drops on a cloth and use in dryer for beautiful smelling laundry.
- Rub a 1-2 drops on areas of poor circulation to increase blood flow.
- Rub two drops of Joy oil on the armpit area to use for a deodorant.
- Rub two drops of Joy oil on the heart, inner thighs and feet to increase libido.
- Sprinkle a few drops of Joy oil into potpourri to improve the fragrance. Get Started Here
FRANKINCENSE - (Boswellia Carteri) was considered more valuable than gold in ancient times
- Apply 1-3 drops to the bottoms of feet to strengthen the immune system.
- Rub a few drops on stretch marks in the morning and at night to reduce redness and lessen visibility.
- Apply 1-2 drops on sun-damaged spots or age spots 2x daily until gone.
- Dilute 50/50 with a carrier oil and apply 3-5 times daily to blisters until healed.
- Apply 1-2 drops twice daily to warts until warts are completely gone. (May take up to two weeks)
- Diffuse or inhale to help alleviate depression and to elevate mood.
- Add a drop to wounds or use during your daily facial cleansing to prevent acne scarring. It may also be beneficial in reducing the appearance of scars when used daily.
- Use 1-2 drops of Frankincense on back of neck and temples to improve concentration.
- To reduce inflammation, put a few drops in an empty veg capsule and take internally orally or apply topically.
- Apply 1-2 drops of Frankincense to itchy skin to stop itching.
- Apply 1 drop on nails to help strengthen brittle or weak fingernails.
- Add to your bath water, massage into your scalp or on your chest to help with mental fatigue. Get Started Here
THIEVES - Thieves is a highly antibacterial blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus,
- To ease cold and flu symptoms, diffuse Thieves in a room. Rub a drop on the bottom of feet. Place one drop in a glass of water and drink.
- Mix 12-15 drops with distilled water in a 4 oz. glass spray bottle to repel insects on your flowers and plants.
- Drop 2-4 drops of Thieves in water and gargle to help relieve strep throat symptoms. Dilute 50/50 with a carrier oil and apply to throat and back of neck.
- Mix 8-12 drops with water in a 4 oz. glass spray bottle to repel insects on your flowers and plants.
- For warts: apply topically, inhale and take 2-3 drops in a capsule to help them reduce in size and disappear.
- Put a few drops of Thieves in the detergent receptacle of your dishwasher for a germ killing cleaning cycle.
- Put a few drops in your carpet cleaner or on your vacuum filter to disinfect carpet and freshen the room.
- Diffuse Thieves to kill mold wherever it is present.
- Put a drop on the tip of your tongue to help with smoking cessation. A drop on the tip of your tongue can also help with food cravings.
- To help with gingivitis and bleeding gums, rub 1-2 drops of Thieves on gums twice daily until gone. If this oil feels too hot, dilute 50/50 with a carrier oil.
- To ease laryngitis, put a drop under your tongue to help restore your voice.
- Drop or rub 1 drop of Thieves on the infection or nail bed 2-3 times daily until gone.
- Add 2-4 drops to your washing machine for cleaner laundry. Get Started Here
PURIFICATION - An antiseptic blend of Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus), Lemongrass
- Diffuse Purification oil to clean the air and neutralize foul or stale odors.
- Put several drops of Purification oil on a cotton ball and place in the air vents in the home, office, hotel room or other enclosed area.
- While traveling, inhale Purification oil during flights to protect yourself from pathogens found in the recirculated air.
- Put a drop of Purification oil on insect bites to cleanse and stop the itching.
- Apply a drop of Purification oil on blemishes to clear the skin.
- Rub a drop of Purification oil on the outside of a sore throat when it is first beginning.
- Rub a drop of Purification oil on a blister to cleanse and disinfect.
- Put 2 drops of Purification oil on two cotton balls and place in the toes of smelly sneakers to combat odors.
- Place a drop of Purification oil on each end of a cotton swab and place on top of your cold water humidifier to clean the air.
- Dilute Purification oil with a carrier oil and swab the nasal cavity to ward off the flu.
- Spritz several drops of Purification oil mixed with water to repel insects.
- Apply Purification oil and Peppermint oil diluted with a carrier oil to a cotton swab and rub just inside the ear to eliminate ear mites in cats and dogs. Get Started Here
PEPPERMINT - (Mentha piperita) is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for
- Rub 4-6 drops in the palm and rub over stomach and around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.
- Add a drop of Peppermint oil to herbal tea to aid in digestion and relieve heartburn.
- Massage several drops of Peppermint oil on the area of injury to reduce inflammation.
- Apply Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area (bruised shin, hit on the foot or hand) to relieve pain. If there is a cut, apply the Peppermint oil around (not on) the open wound.
- Rub several drops of Peppermint oil on the bottoms of the feet to reduce fever.
- Apply a drop of Peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.
- For poison ivy or poison oak, apply Peppermint oil on location neat or dilute with a carrier oil.
- Inhale Peppermint oil before and during a workout to boost your mood and reduce fatigue.
- Massage several drops of Peppermint oil on the abdomen to relieve nausea.
- To relieve a headache, rub a drop of Peppermint oil on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (stay away from the eyes) and on the back of the neck. Works well when blended with Lavender, too!
- To stop hiccups, apply a drop of Peppermint oil on each side of the fifth cervical vertebra (up three notches from the large vertebra at the base of the neck).
- Place two drops of Peppermint oil on the tongue and rub another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration.
- Diffuse Peppermint oil in the room while studying to improve concentration and accuracy. Inhale Peppermint oil while taking a test to improve recall.
- Rub 4 drops of Peppermint oil on chest and stomach to relieve travel sickness.
- Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion from a cold.
- Add Peppermint oil to food as a flavoring and a preservative.
- To deter rats, mice, ants, or cockroaches, place two drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place along the path or point of entry for these pests.
- Mix one 15 mL bottle of Peppermint oil into a 5 gallon can of paint to dispel the fumes.
- Place a couple of drops of Peppermint oil in a cup of hot water or coffee.
- To kill aphids, add 4-5 drops of Peppermint oil to 4 ounces of water and spray the plants.
- Drink a drop of Peppermint oil mixed in a glass of cold water to cool off on a hot day.
- Rub Peppermint oil on joints to relieve arthritis or tendonitis pain.
- Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue to stop bad breath.
- Inhale the fragrance of Peppermint oil to curb the appetite and lessen the impulse to overeat.
- Remove ticks by applying a drop of Peppermint oil on a cotton swab and swabbing the tick. Wait for it to unhedge its head and remove from your pet.
- Mix Peppermint oil in a foot bath to relieve sore feet. Keep water agitated while soaking feet. Get Started Here
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When you sign up with me, you don’t just get the most amazing oils ever … you get to be part of our amazing essential oils family, too! We offer support, information, giveaways and we are truly a great group of people! It’s a fun and rewarding experience to dive into the world of essential oils AND have the tools to use them in a safe and effective manner. Join my team today! I work from home full-time and I am here to help you every step of the way!
Need a carrier oil? V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex is used to dilute certain essential oils and can be mixed to create custom blends, formulas, and massage oils. This oil complex nourishes the skin, has a long shelf life, doesn't clog pores, and will not stain clothes. V-6 is offered in both 8-ounce and 32-ounce refill bottles. When you are purchasing your starter kit, you will be able to choose additional products to add to your cart, which will save on shipping. Add V-6 to your order if you would like a carrier oil.
Want to earn FREE Young Living Essential Oils and other products? Once you are a wholesale member you become eligible to join our Essential Rewards Program. Learn more here.
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